


经文约翰福音16章10节16:10 为义,是因我往父那里去苇河吧 ,你们就不再看见我;And concerning righteousness国际歌简谱 , because I am going to the Father and you no longer behold Me;Enlightenment
In verse 10 the Lord said that the Spirit would convince the world “concerning righteousness,李宇菲 because I go to the Father.” This means that the Father has been fully satisfied with the Lord’s redemptive death on the cross and has accepted Him in His resurrection. The proof that the Father is satisfied with Christ’s redemption is that the Father resurrected Him from the dead and exalted Him to His right hand. The resurrection and ascension of Christ are the evidences proving that His redemption has satisfied God and has met all the demands and requirements of God. Therefore滇虹康王 , He was released from death to be exalted to the heavens at the right hand of God. Now God’s righteousness is manifested in justifying those who believe in Christ (Rom. 3:26). If sinners will believe in Christ, God will justify them, for Christ Himself will become their righteousness. This is the second item concerning which the Spirit will convict the world.亮光『为义杨尚坤,是因我往父那里去。』这就是说,父已完全满意于主在十字架上救赎的死,并且在祂的复活里悦纳了祂别出心裁造句 。父满意于基督救赎的证明正室谋略 ,乃是父叫祂从死人中复活袁利亚 ,并且将祂高举在自己的右边金马郦城 。基督的复活与升天乃是证据珠海庙湾岛 ,证明祂的救赎已经满足神,并且应付了神一切的需要和要求。因此追凶五十年 ,祂从死里得了释放,并且被高举到诸天之上神的右边。现今神称那些信入基督的人为义,神的义就得着显明诺基亚e81。(罗三26老衲还年轻 。)罪人若信入基督熊岳温泉 ,神就要称义他们,因为基督自己要成为他们的义七月火把节 。这是那灵要使世人知罪自责的第二项海湾寝园 。
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