


也许你以为置身另一个讲英语的国家交流起来会很容易,不过别想得太简单了与蝶同眠 !以下这些词语和手势在不同国家代表意思可能不同,大家一定要慎用浦发御园 。1在国外要慎用的8个英语单词
You may think it's easy to communicate when you're visiting another English-speaking country, but think again! Certain words mean something entirely different on the other side of the world. Read on to see which eight words could cause you embarrassment across the pond or down under.
也许你以为置身另一个讲英语的国家交流起来会很容易,不过别想得太简单了!有些词在美国是这个意思,但是在地球的另外半边却完全是另外一个意思。看看哪8个单词会令你在世界另一端感到尴尬吧。1Pants 长裤还是内裤?

Be careful who you tell in the U.K. that you have to go pants shopping—across the pond, "pants" means "underwear." When you're talking about jeans and khakis, you should call them "trousers."
Avoid Using In: The U.K., Ireland
避免使用的国家:英国,爱尔兰2Fanny 屁股还是私处?

Own a fanny pack? In most other English-speaking countries, they're called "bum bags" because "fanny" is slang for a part of the female anatomy (and no, we're not talking about the rear end). So don't tell someone to stop being lazy and get off their fanny, either!
Avoid Using In: The U.K.宝石猎人, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa
你有腰包吗?在大多数讲英语的国家,人们把腰包称作bum bags,因为fanny是对女性私处的俚语说法(没错,我们说的不是屁股)。黄慧颐 所以千万不要对别人说:别懒了,抬起fanny(屁股)干活吧!
避免使用的国家:英国,爱尔兰,澳大利亚,新西兰,南非3Pissed 生气还是喝醉?

In America, we may get "pissed off" when we're angry, but the Brits and Irish who are "pissed" are extremely intoxicated. "Taking the piss," however, means "to make fun of," not "to get drunk."
Avoid Using In: The U.K., Ireland, Australia, New Zealand
在美国,我们生气时会说get pissed off,但是英国人和爱尔兰人如果说pissed,意思是烂醉如泥。不过taking the piss意思是“取笑”,而不是“喝醉”。
避免使用的国家:英国,爱尔兰,澳大利亚,新西兰4Bangs 刘海还是刘海?

Prepare for weird looks if you're bragging about your new "bangs" in England. A forehead-covering haircut over there is referred to as a "fringe" instead. Overseas, "bangs" is more commonly used as the somewhat vulgar slang that it is interchangeable with in America.
Avoid Using In: Anywhere outside of North America
如果你在英国吹嘘自己的新bangs(刘海),少不了有人会向你投去怪怪的眼神yy之王 。在那里刘海被叫做fringe而不是bangs。在美国以外的地方,bangs是一种粗俗的俚语说法。
避免使用的国家:北美以外的任何国家5Knob 门把手还是生殖器?

Americans hear the word "knob" and think "doorknob" or "lever." It has a much dirtier meaning in other countries, like Australia and the U.K., where it's an insult or slang for a part of the male anatomy. Now you'll know to be offended if someone calls you a "knob head."
Avoid Using In: The U.K., Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa
美国人听到knob这个词想到的是“门把手”。但是在澳大利亚和英国等其他国家,knob的意思要“黄”得多发呆哥 。在那里knob指的是男子生殖器的一部分。现在你知道别人叫你knob head你应该是什么反应了吧。
避免使用的国家:英国,爱尔兰,澳大利亚,新西兰,南非6Root 根还是性?

Americans may "root around" looking for a lost object, but Australians and New Zealanders use the term to refer to having sex.
Avoid Using In: Australia, New Zealand
美国人也许用root around来指“寻找”失物,但澳大利亚人和新西兰人用它指代做爱。
避免使用的国家:澳大利亚,新西兰7Pull 拉还是泡妞成功?

If someone "pulled" last night in the U.K., they're probably not talking about pulling a muscle or drawing something apart. It's commonly used as slang for successfully picking up someone while out on the town. Likewise, "going on the pull" means that someone is going out with the express goal of getting some action.
Avoid Using In: The U.K., Ireland
如果在英国某人昨晚pulled,他们很可能不是在说拉胡子或是别的什么东西。这通常指的是去市中心玩时成功“钓”到某人。同样,going on the pull意思是某人为了猎艳而出动。
避免使用的国家:英国,爱尔兰8Bugger 昵称还是骂人的话?

If you affectionately call your child or pet "little bugger," you might want to reconsider doing so in pretty much any other English-speaking country. In most other places, from Canada to Australia, it is commonly used as an expletive similar to the f-word.
Avoid Using In: Most places outside of America
如果你亲切地叫你的孩子或宠物little bugger(小家伙),到其他讲英语的国家可千万别这么说。在大多数其他国家,从加拿大到澳大利亚,bugger都是骂人的话,相当于fuck。
Certain gestures that are innocent in the United States mean something completely different (and offensive) overseas. Avoid these 10 hand signals when you’re traveling abroad!

Turns out making a circle with your index finger and thumb is not OK in certain countries. In France, for example, it means "zero" or "worthless." In Venezuela, Turkey, and Brazil日梭万年历 , it's a vulgar slang that will offend pretty much anyone you flash it at.
Avoid Using In: Turkey, Brazil, Venezuela, and France.
在某些国家用食指和拇指绕成一个圈是不好的。例如,在法国,这表示“零”或者“毫无价值”。在委内瑞拉,土耳其和巴西混沌修神诀 ,这是一个粗俗俚语,几乎会得罪所有你对他做这个手势的人。

Trying to order two beers from the bartender or wish someone peace in the United Kingdom,Ireland, Australia, or New Zealand? Make sure that when you have your index and middle fingers pointed up in the V shape, your palm is facing outward. Otherwise, you're giving the equivalent of the middle finger.
Avoid Using In: United Kingdom, Australia阎良之窗 , Ireland, and New Zealand.

Want someone to come over to you? Definitely don't use your curled index finger to summon them in the Philippines—that's reserved for calling dogs and is considered very rude. And in Singapore and Japan, that motion signifies death, so unless you are the icy hand of death yourself, don't employ it.
Avoid Using In: The Philippines, Singapore, and Japan.
想叫某人来你这儿? 在菲律宾绝对不要用你的食指指召他们,那是叫狗的,并且被认为是非常粗鲁的。而在新加坡和日本,这个手势意味着死亡,所以除非你用自己死亡的冰冷的手,否则不要用它。

Sorry, southpaws. You'll need to become ambidextrous—or just accept the fact that you'll probably spill food all over yourself while eating with your right hand—while in the Middle East,India, Sri Lanka, and Africa. In these countries, the left hand is traditionally seen as unclean, because it is associated with cleaning yourself after using the bathroom.
Avoid Using In: The Middle East, India, Sri Lanka, and Africa.
对不起啦,左撇子们。当你在中东、印度、斯里兰卡和非洲时,你需要变得灵巧一些,或者就接受这个事实兽血沸腾 ,当你用右手吃饭时你可能会将食物洒了一身。在这些国家十格格 ,左手传统上被视为不洁的,因为它与上厕所后清洗自己相关联。

Don't use the palm-out, fingers-up "stop" sign in Greece, or you may not be able to stop someone from punching you in the face. This gesture is an insult to Greeks—a stigma that apparently dates back to Byzantine times, when shackled criminals were paraded through the streets and gawkers were allowed to smear charcoal or excrement in their faces using their open palms.
Avoid Using In: Greece.

Crossing your index and middle fingers won't bring you good luck in Vietnam. There, crossed fingers symbolize a part of the female anatomy and can be considered very rude when flashed at another person.
Avoid Using In: Vietnam.

Rocking out at a metal show or tossing up hook 'em horns (with your hand in a fist and index and pinky finger extended) is a bad idea inItaly, Spain, Portugal, Brazil, and Colombia. In these countries, the University of Texas' signature hand gesture can be used to indicate that someone's wife has been unfaithful.
Avoid Using In: Italy, Spain, Portugal, Brazil, and Colombia.

Don't hail a cab or wave someone over to you with your palm facing up in South Korea. That's how Koreans summon their dogs. The proper way to wave is to move your hand up and down vertically with your palm facing down.
Avoid Using In: South Korea.

The head is the most sacred part of the body inThailand. In the Buddhist faith, it's where the spirit lives. Thus, touching someone else's head or hair is a definite faux pas—so think twice before you ruffle a kid's hair or pat someone for a job well done.
Avoid Using In: Thailand.

The thumbs-up signals approval in the U.S. and on Facebook, but in Afghanistan, Iran, parts of Italy, and Greece, it means "up yours." So next time you're trying to hitchhike in, say, Tuscany, you should reconsider before sticking out your thumb.
Avoid Using In: Afghanistan, Iran, parts of Italy, and Greece.

