17:1 非利士人招聚他们的军旅,要来争战,聚集在属犹大的梭哥,安营在梭哥和亚西加中间的以弗大悯。
17:2 扫罗和以色列人也聚集,在以拉谷安营,摆列队伍要与非利士人打仗。
17:3 非利士人站在这边山上,以色列人站在那边山上,当中有谷。
17:4 从非利士营中出来一个讨战的人,名叫歌利亚血王的疯妃 ,是迦特人,身高六肘零一虎口;
17:5 头戴铜盔,身穿铠甲妖怪人间贝姆,甲重五千舍客勒;
17:6 腿上有铜护膝,两肩之中背负铜戟;
17:7 枪杆粗如织布的机轴黄煌经方沙龙 ,铁枪头重六百舍客勒。有一个拿盾牌的人在他前面走。
17:8 歌利亚对着以色列的军队站立,呼叫说:“你们出来摆列队伍做什么呢李庄案?我不是非利士人吗捷信福袋 ?你们不是扫罗的仆人吗?可以从你们中间拣选一人情虐瀚月关 ,使他下到我这里来彩虹股份股吧 。
17:9 他若能与我战斗,将我杀死,我们就作你们的仆人;我若胜了他,将他杀死,你们就作我们的仆人,服事我们松桃苗歌。”
17:10 那非利士人又说:“我今日向以色列人的军队骂阵。你们叫一个人出来,与我战斗。”
17:11 扫罗和以色列众人听见非利士人的这些话陈粒 祝星,就惊惶,极其害怕。
这个故事的每一部分都可以应用于今天。例如,我们今天的世界仍然可见到两大阵营:神的百姓和神的敌人。第3节指出他们壁垒分明,金刚指 中间有谷分隔,没有人可以作骑墙派。
这两个阵营的人要彼此争战──至今仍是一样。一直以来,非利士人都是以色列的死敌虚竹传奇 ,两者势不两立。今天的世界未必会明目张胆地攻击教会,但两者却绝不能为友。
两边阵营都有一位“勇士”。歌利亚是一个目中无人的巨人(4节),画皮姐 他似乎战无不胜,且连续六个星期向以色列骂阵,极尽污衊、挑衅之能事吴育奇。他是世界之王撒但的写照。撒但的能力似乎非常强大,他的试探也似乎常常令人难以抗拒。
然而,另一边阵营也有一个勇士。这个人理应就是扫罗,因为他不仅是王,他更是以色列人中长得最高大的流氓总裁 。可是罗小贝,扫罗因爲不听从神(十六章1和4节)而失去了属灵的能力虫围入侵 。他如果靠自己的力量去迎战歌利亚,就一定被击败。倘若歌利亚得胜,所有以色列人便要做非利士人的奴隶了(9节)。
BIBLE READING: 1 Samuel 17:1-11
Is this the best known of all the stories in the Bible魔力女管家 ? It is one of the first stories heard in Sunday School. It is very doubtful,however, if David was really the teenaged boy usually depicted. Possibly he was in his later teens or early twenties when this incident took place.
Every part of the story can have an up-to-date application. For example东医七味, here are the same two companies of people,whom we find in the world today - the people of God and the enemies of God. Verse 3 says there was a valley between them, a clear division. There was no middle ground.
There was a war between the two companies. There still is. The Philistines seemed to have been the most consistent and bitterest enemies the Israelites had. Today there may not always be bitter opposition by the world against the church纪然冰 , but there cannot be fellowship between them.
On both sides there was a “champion”. Goliath was certainly a giant (v.4) and full of defiance. He seemed almost unbeatable. For six long weeks he defied the Israelites. He is a picture of Satan,the prince of the world. Satan seems so strong and his temptations seem so oftenirresistible.
But there is a champion on the other side too. No doubt it should have been Saul复茂小龙虾, who was not only the king金庆皓 , but also the tallest man in Israel. But Saul had lost his spiritual power through his disobedience (1 Samuel 16:1, 4). Had he fought Goliath in his own strength, he might have been sadly defeated. If Goliath had won the contest, all Israel would have been slaves to the Philistines (v.9).
God had other plans郭竞坤,however. He had his “champion” ready. David was not part of the Israelite army. He was at home minding sheep. God was preparing him for the future. David was ready to step out with God and claim the victory for God and His people.
A VERSE FOR TODAY: “This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.” (1 John 5:4)